In Kindergarten we are continuing to learn about the life cycle of insects. Now that the weather is nice, we are watching caterpillars (larva) in their wonderful transformation into Painted Lady Butterflies. These caterpillars have wrapped themselves in a chrysalis (they are in their pupa stage). I moved the chrysalides from their cup into the butterfly inclosure. They will stay there until they emerge from their chrysalides as butterflies!

The Turtle Cam is still temporarily transformed into a Caterpillar Cam. Check out the chrysalides on the camera at home! 

Password: turtle
Great turn out for Earth Day T-shirts! Everyone who purchased a shirt wore it on Monday and showed how the ECC can "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"!

In class to celebrate Earth Day, we created pine cone bird feeders using pine cones, crisco, and bird seed! The students were able to take them home to hand them up on a branch and give back to our Earth!

While our caterpillars are going through their transformation, we will be using the Turtle Cam to keep watch on them!

Click the link to check out our Caterpillars over the weekend!

Password: turtle
Kindergarten planted Marigold Seeds in cups today. Everyone had the chance to scoop up some soil, make a little hole, put their seeds in, cover them up... and wait for them to grow!

We are also learning about the life cycle of a plant. Plants start as seeds and they need soil, water, sunlight, and air to live. Our plants have sprouted and have leaves! They will soon be growing 

We will be sending these plants home for Mother's Day! 
Wow, did this blog ever get away from me! I am going to make sure that I post what we are doing every week till the end of school (thats only 5 weeks away!)

Let me catch you up on what we've been up to in Kindergarten lately!

We are currently growing Marigolds in our classroom, each student has a plant that they are observing and measuring each time they have class. 
We also have caterpillars! They will become Painted Lady Butterflies, but for right now they are just a cup of fuzzy caterpillars. These caterpillars spend most of their time eating, getting bigger till they will crawl to the top of the cup and become chrysalises! 


    This blog is specifically for my kindergarten classes.

    Check here for information, updates, and pictures!

    Feel free to leave comments!


    February 2013
    January 2013

