Mrs. P gave me a present yesterday! She found Harry the Spider roaming around her room looking for a home. 
I think that Harry is a Wolf Spider. He is a carnivore (eats other insects) and has 8 legs!
This week Kindergarten will be discussing the difference between "needs" and "wants". 

We have already briefly talked about our basic needs to survive, but we are expanding on that through reading The Bag I'm Taking to Grandma's

After reading, we will complete a mini-book listing our basic needs and allowing the students to come up with two of their own "wants". 

**This week's Web Spotlight is... Mrs. Aichele's class!

In celebration of Martin Luther King Day, Kindergarten read Young Martin Luther King, Jr.: "I Have a Dream"It was very interesting for them to hear what life used to be like before individuals like Martin Luther King, Jr. made such an impact with only their words and non-violent actions. 

We also watched a clip of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s actual "I Have a Dream" speech!

The Kindergarteners were very surprised at some of the old laws! The overall response was how unfair life used to be, especially when I told them about Rosa Parks. This week was a good introduction to the Civil Rights Movement and understanding that time in history and the impact it had.

**Due to our shortened week, Mrs. Aichele's class will be our Web Spotlight next week!
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
                                          ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On the third Monday in January we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This is a day we celebrate to remember MLK and his dream.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a great American leader that worked to achieve equality for everyone.

This week we will be reading Young Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have a Dream". We will be learning about his importance in history and the effect he had on our country.

**This week's Web Spotlight is... Mrs. Aichele's class!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

This week Kindergarten learned all about recycling! We learned what can be recycled and what it becomes once it is recycled.

The kids sorted actual recycling into bins and a pocket chart, read books in our "recycled" igloo, and did a coloring page.

*Plastics can be recycled into the green fuzz on tennis balls, carpet, backpacks... all sorts of things!
Mrs. Steichen's Class Spotlight:
Kid Quotes of what we learned this week!

"We learned what stuff to put in recycling"
"Recycling is important!"
"Put glass bottles in the glass bin"
"Newspapers can be put in the paper bin"
"Egg cartons can be recycled"
Now that our igloo construction is on its way, I thought that it would be a good time to discuss recycling with my Kindergarteners. 

This week we will be learning how to...
Reduce- try to lower the amount of resources that you throw away.
Reuseuse things more than once or find another purpose for them.
Recycle- try not to throw certain objects in the trash, they can be turned back into what they were made from.

I have reused over 300 milk jugs so far creating our classroom igloo for us to enjoy!

**This week's Web Spotlight is... Mrs. Steichen's class!

I tried something new this week and made a "movie" out of Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. (Click on the book to go to the video!)

While listening to the story, my students examined the illustrations to see the differences between urban and rural life.

We also read City Mouse-Country Mouse, an Aesop's fable, whose moral reminds us that there's "no place like home". We compared the two mice and added the characteristics to our chart from Mike Mulligan.

My kindergarteners showed me the difference between "urban" and "rural" through folding a paper and drawing two pictures showing the country and the city.

Mr. Quigley's Class Spotlight: 
Quotes of we learned this week!

"The city has traffic"
"The country has more trees"
"Rural means country"
"I like when Mary Anne helped the other people" (from Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel)
This week Kindergarten will be reading City Mouse, Country Mouse and Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. We will be comparing objects in these stories and deciding whether they are "urban" or "rural".


New year, new leaf... or webpage to be precise! 

I will be using Weebly as the central hub for all of the new and exciting things that happen with my Kindergarten classes. 

Please check regularly for new pictures and updates!

Starting next week... We will have a Web Spotlight on our blog, where each week a different Kindergarten class will get to "shine in the spotlight" and share what they have learned.

Our first class will be: Mr. Quigley!


    This blog is specifically for my kindergarten classes.

    Check here for information, updates, and pictures!

    Feel free to leave comments!


    February 2013
    January 2013

