This week First Grade learned another way to describe properties of matter: if something is "magnetic". 

After reading the book "My Magnet", each table got a bucket filled with magnets and were able to free explore. They asked each other questions and developed predictions on whether something was going to be magnetic. 

It was really cool to see all the different ways that the First Graders were able to explore the magnets... even through the table!
Ms. Alberico's Class Spotlight:
Kid Quotes of what we learned this week!

"You can take a magnet and drag a paper clip out of a cup"
"You can use one magnet on another magnet when the sides are different"
"You can move something with a magnet through the table"
"You can put magnetic marbles in a cup and use the magnet and the cup will stick"

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    First Grade

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    February 2013
    January 2013

