First Grade is studying the life cycle of a frog. Right now our frogs are still in their tadpole phase. Soon, they will grow their back legs; beginning their transformation into frogs.

We have two different types of tadpoles. Most of our tadpoles are African Water Frogs. They will grow to be about 3" in length and live their whole life in the water. Even though they develop lungs and breathe air, they will always stay in the water.

However, we also have one tadpole that is darker than all of the others. I believe that this tadpole will become a Leopard Frog. Leopard frogs need to live on land once they develop all four legs and begin to lose their tail. This frog will have to be put in a different habitat.

As we watch our frogs grow, we will learn more about them!
First Grade planted Marigold Seeds in cups today. Everyone had the chance to scoop up some soil, make a little hole, put their seeds in, cover them up... and wait for them to grow!

We will be sending these plants home for Mother's Day! 

    First Grade

    This blog is specifically for my first grade classes.

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    February 2013
    January 2013

