Mrs. P gave me a present yesterday! She found Harry the Spider roaming around her room looking for a home. 
I think that Harry is a Wolf Spider. He is a carnivore (eats other insects) and has 8 legs!
This week First Grade will be learning about Magnets!

We will be reading the book "My Magnet" and discussing the different properties of magnets and ways that they can be used. 

I love when my students get a chance for free exploration, so I made a Magnet Exploration bin for each group in my room. They will be exploring "magnetic match rings", iron fillings, finding out what objects are magnetic, and observing the effect when the other pole of the magnet is used. 

**This week's Web Spotlight is... Ms. Alberico's class!

In celebration of Martin Luther King Day, First Grade learned the importance of color. Through the book The Crayon Box that Talked, we better understood discrimination of color. And we also learned that each color individually is unique but together "the picture is complete". 

Just think how boring the world would be if there was only one color!

To show appreciation of our colorful world, we each designed a crayon to add to our school's big "Box of Crayons".

**Due to our shortened week, Ms. Alberico's class will be our Web Spotlight next week!
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
                                          ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is a wonderful video of our story that I found on the Internet!
We celebrate the 3rd Monday of January each year as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This is a day that we celebrate to remember MLK and his dream. 

This week we will be learning more about Martin Luther King Jr. and also learning about diversity. We will be reading The Crayon Box that Talked by Shane DeRolf. 

Our First Grade classes will each be coloring a crayon to celebrate diversity and remember Martin Luther King Jr. 

All of the crayons will be displayed in the hallway to show that we all fit together in one big box of different and colorful crayons!

A Box of Crayons

Wouldn't it be terrible? Wouldn't it be sad? 
If just one single color was the color that we had? 
If everything was purple? Or red? Or blue? Or green? 
If yellow, pink, or orange was all that could be seen? 
Can you just imagine how dull the world would be 
If just one single color was all we got to see?

-- Author Unknown
**This week's Web Spotlight is... Ms. Alberico's class!
This week First Grade was able to experience water in all 3 states of matter. We talked about how when water freezes (cold) it turns into ice (a solid) and when it is heated it turns into steam (a gas).

We used our senses to observe ice, water, and watched steam turn back into water on the lid of a crockpot!
Mrs. Wilkinson's Class Spotlight:
Kid Quotes of what we learned this week!

"Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas"
"Ice is very cold water"
"Steam is a gas. Steam is heated water"
Continuing last week's Matter unit, we will be observing the 3 different forms of water. We will be using our senses and other tools to explore and classify these different states!

Also, at the end of this week we will be taking our "Matter" unit test. 

**This week's Web Spotlight is... Mrs. Wilkinson's class!
This week we learned all about matter! We talked about the 3 different kinds of matter and sorted objects into those categories.

We also read Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss and then CREATED OUR OWN OOBLECK!

The kids had a blast mixing together the ingredients and getting to see them transform into a gooey mixture. They were surprised to see that Oobleck showed properties of both a solid (they could hold it and it felt hard) and a liquid (when they didn't touch it, the Oobleck would pour).

We did the experiment in a Ziploc bag, which seemed to both contain the mess and keep the Oobleck from drying out!

Oobleck Recipe below!

Oobleck Directions
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Mrs. Stewart's Class Spotlight: 
What we learned this week!

"Water can turn into a solid (ice), liquid, or gas (steam)"
"Everything in the world is matter"
"An example of a solid is a brick"
"Oobleck is a soliquid! A solid + a liquid!"
This week First Grade will be learning about the three different states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases! And get ready for a very "Dr. Seuss-ical" experiment!




New year, new leaf... or webpage to be precise! 

I will be using Weebly as the central hub for all of the new and exciting things that happen with my First Grade classes. 

Starting next week... We will have a Web Spotlight on our blog, where each week a different First Grade class will get to "shine in the spotlight" and share what they have learned.

Our first class will be: Mrs. Stewart!

    First Grade

    This blog is specifically for my first grade classes.

    Check here for information, updates, and pictures!

    Feel free to leave comments!


    February 2013
    January 2013

